Saturday 9 April 2011

Day 42-43 Sevilla

Day 42

          My fear of flying is getting worse. on the plane from Barcelona to Sevilla I couldn't stop thinking about the chances the plane would crash. It didn't help that the plane landing from the flight from Bratislava to Barcelona had a huge bounce when it touched down on the pavement and freaked me out. I hope I can improve and push away my fear so I can be more comfortable in the air. Alex was a cs member who was staying at my host Christina's place. He met me in the Sevilla center and we had some great conversations. Really nice guy. After wandering through the city we met our host outside of her work at 11pm.
          I was thinking of going out with some friends that were in town and I texted Christina earlier in the day to offer if she wanted to join us and if she didn't want to join then would she be okay with me going out and coming home later. I didn't receive any reply so I wasn't sure of the plans. After saying hello and giving the kisses on each cheek she said she did receive the message and said no because she was to tired from work. I told her I understand and asked if she would mind if I went out with my friends and found a way back to her place when i was done. The air around us begin to become thick. I could sense that this wasn't going too well. She said sure ahhhh if you want to go out then go out. I asked if could borrow a set of keys or if she could leave them under the front mat. The look on her face showed disgust and shock. She said no I've never done that before and I wouldn't feel comfortable. Then I asked her for directions and she gave me them but her place wasn't on the map I had. At this point I said "It seems like you're really not comfortable with this situation maybe I should just stay at a Hostel. She said no everythings okay. We made plans that when I got close to her place I would give Alex a call and he would unlock the door. Then I went to the bar where i was meeting Ffiona another cs member I met while I was in Dublin. While I was waiting for her and her friends I felt so down and depressed from the situation with my host. I've stayed with over 45 different cs hosts over the last six months and I haven't had any negative experiences yet. I felt so low and I just wanted to get in a better mood quickly. No point in wasting time while I'm in a beautiful place like Sevilla. I overheard a couple of guys speaking english and I joined in on ther conversation. They were Americans. One guy was visiting his friend who was living in Morocco. Ffiona, her friends, two Americans, and I went to a few bars and had a blast. It was about 5am. I was exhausted and I just wanted to goto sleep. Considering the situation with my host and not knowing the exact directions to her place I decided to stay at a Hostel.

Day 43

            I woke up around 11 and called my host to see about meeting for lunch. She answered and told me she was getting ready and would call me right back. At 12 she texted me that she couldn't meet for lunch because she had to get ready for work. Considering she started work three hours later I knew she didn't feel comfortable to meet me again yet. I left my backpack with Alex so my things were at Christina's place. I felt uncomfortable about it because either way I would have to meet her again. Ffiona and I met another cs member name Pati. She gave us a very nice tour of the city. We stopped by some Tapas Bars. I didn't get too much sleep because of the night before so I took a siesta in the evening. I met Christina outside of her work at 11. After saying hello we started we started talking about the day before. We both agreed there was a disconnect and miscommunication. It was a very nice surprise and it felt great to work things out between us. I think conflicts bring people closer it just depends on how you resolve your issues. We went out for a couple drinks and talked about each other, couchsurfing, and our traveling experiences. While we were at the bar there was a Flamenco show. It was incredible!! there were two women dancing at different times and they both had different styles. The first one was very feminine and beautiful with how she moved. The second one was powerful and bold. She made you feel the music with each step. Stomp Stomp!
         Ffiona came with us to a Bar in an area called Triana around 2am. Christina told us stories about the owner and how special she was. If you weren't drinking she would pick you and others out and say you and you get out! She was also a singer and we were lucky to see her perform a few songs. It was a really great time.  


Day 37-41 Barcelona

Day 37

         I went on a walking tour through the ancient parts of the city. It was nice to see the area and hear stories about that area BUT It was the most boring tour I've ever been on. Midway through the walk I wanted to leave but I decided to stay. Afterwards I ate lunch with a few Americans and a guy named German(like Herman) from Chile who was also on the tour. German and I walked around the city and saw the Olympic Stadium and castle. We ate a nice traditional Spanish dish NOT haha we had it our way at Burger King. The cost of fast food in Europe is double compared to the States. The taste and size are also not as good. I met my host at an Irish Pub for a cs meeting. We drank some Catalin beers.

Day 38

           I met German at noon and we went to the Church of Sagrada Familia. It was very interesting and unique. I've been to my fair share of churches and its nice to see different ones that stand out from the crowd. Later on I met Snezanaa and her friend who were both cs members. We went to the Arena Bar where there was another cs meeting. CS is amazing in so many ways. Theres a community section of the website that have groups in the majority of the cities who hold weekly meeting and special events.

Day 39

           I metup with my friend Carissa at noon. She was my cs host when I was in Madrid. Shes in town for a few days and had already been to Barcelona before. Shes a great tour guide and gets lost very easily but its nice to wander through different parts of the city. We went to Park Güell and I surprised no one had told me about it yet because it was amazing and one of the best parts of Barcelona. At night we went to the Magic Fountain. We watched a water show that was synchronized with music.

Day 40

         Carissa and I went to the beach and saw the cucumber building(Torre Agbar). It was very windy but the sun felt so good beaming down on my skin. We met another cs member named Viola. We went to a shot bar where they had a list of about any shot ever made. They would light some of them on fire. Next we went to a few bars and enjoyed soe Catalin beers.

Day 41

         Carissa, Viola, and I went  to a couple Tapas Bars and enjoyed the different foods like Calamari and Potatoes Bravis. Tapas is when you order a beer and get a small side dish of food. We met Snezanaa and went to a Squat house where a show was scheduled. A squat house is when an abandoned building is being used by a group of people who don't own it. It was a massive sized warehouse where about 20 people performed theater shows, fire shows, acrobatics, and comedy. It was the best part of my trip in Barcelona.